Awesome List - Computer Science & Mathematics
Computer Science
- Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science
- MIT Course for Computer Science
- Theoretical Computer Science – An Introduction - pdf
- Visual Algo
- Verifiable Data Structures
- Measuring Empirical Complexity - Paper
- Structure of computer programs book
- Compilers course at Stanford
- Set Theory and Algebra in Computer Science - A Gentle Introduction to Mathematical Modeling
- Explained Visually
- Book - Computer Networks a systems approach
- Coder’s coloring book
- Operating Systems Design Book
- Book - Bandit Algorithms
- Little book of Semaphores
- Free Computer Science Books - Bookfusion
- Modern Microprocessors A 90-Minute Guide!
- Functional Computer Science Curriculum
- Papers by Leslie Lamport on Computer Sc & Maths
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs BOOK , another
- Algorithms by Jeff Erickson BOOK
- Build your own operating system, 2, 3
Data Structures
- Red Black BST Implementation in Java
- Left-Leaning RB Tree implementation in Go
- Red Black Tree PDF
- Writing a fast hashmap with tiny footprint
Mathematics For Computer Science
- MIT Book
- Discrete Mathematics - book
- Computational Linear Algebra Course
- Think Stats - book
- Concrete Introduction to Probability
- Maths Basics for Computer Science Book
- Matrix Calculus
- Gentle Introduction to art of mathematics - book
- Communicating Advanced Mathematics to Kids
- Free online maths textbooks
- An Introduction to Proofs and the Mathematical Vernacular
- MIT Online Maths Textbooks
- American Institute of Mathematics - books
- Book - Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms
- Probability Theory by Jaynes
- Maths learning resources
- Mathematical Reasoning - book
- Immersive Linear Algebra
- Linear Algebra Video Lectures by MIT video
- MIT classes n notes
- Maths for computer sc
- Introduction to functional analysis
- Real Analysis Class
- MIT Mathematics Courses
- Introduction to Statistical Learning - Book
- Calculus Made Easy by Thomson book
- Core maths explained by animation
- Clojure Linear Algebra Refresher 1
- PBS Infinite - maths series
- Open Textbooks
- Online Mathematics Textbooks
- Book of Proof by Richard Hammack
- Applied Combinatorics by Mitchel T. Keller, William T. Trotter - Another link
- Columbia University Open Math Stack
- Monte Carlo Mathematics
- Interstellar puzzle based on Graph Theory - orig
- Programmer’s guide to polynomials and splines
- Book - Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra – Vectors, Matrices, and Least Squares
- Awesome lists
- Princeton Mathematics for Computer Sc
- Algebra, Topology, Differential Calculus, andOptimization TheoryFor Computer Science and Machine Learning