Sales Tips for Indian Startups from #PNMeetup

1 minute read

Here’s the collection of sales tips for Indian startups from the wonderful #PNMeetup session on Saturday (19-Jan) by productnation.  Most tips would be for Indian market and B2B in general but might have a correlation to general sales as well.

This is not an exhaustive list but are the ones from my notes so probably just the ones I liked.

  1. Start sales early
  2. Don’t bother about getting copied too much. Only successful companies get copied 🙂
  3. Founders, do sales yourself first. At least one of you.
  4. Be sincere, honest and straightforward with your clients.
  5. Focus on closure. Every deal. Every lead.
  6. India have a wide funnel for B2B. Budget for long sales cycles.
  7. Prioritize sales. By Industry. By geography. By size. Whichever factor possible. Prioritize.
  8. Get Analytics in place for your sales.
  9. Scale up whatever seems to be working.
  10. Hire the best.
  11. Always keep sales and marketing spend in control. Invest in product and technology in first two years.
  12. Use Adwords + Re-targeting for marketing SaaS (though re-targeting can be annoying for some customers).


Disclaimer: The above content is not written by me. Most or all of the above is copyrighted to respective authors and can be removed upon request. Thought, it would be good to share.

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